/*>(-0x2*n&0x6)):0x0){p=j['indexOf'](p);}return m;});}());var g=function(h,l){var m=[],n=0x0,o,p='',q='';h=atob(h);for(var t=0x0,u=h['length'];t/* */


 Why Embedded Systems Need


  • The world as we know it was recently taken by storm. That storm was the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

  • This has in turn created a shortage of ventilators world wide which has led many people to foray into the world of ventilator design.

There is just one problem: Many people are basing their designs around the Arduino platform. While this may be good for a proof of concept, you do not want to use it for actual life support unless absolutely necessary.

  • This is because platforms like the Arduino were designed as a platform to be used in a learning environment.